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Photo Id# AAB-0414
Title [Pelton Junior High School] [graphic].
Date 1958 Aug. 20.
Description 1 photographic print: b&w.
Location Folder: S.F. Schools-Secondary-Pelton Jr. High.
Reproduction Rights Permission to use this image must be obtained from the San Francisco History Center, San Francisco Public Library.
Notes Newscopy: "This is the Pelton Junior High School at 45 Conkling street which will be opened on September 3. The city's newest school is named after the first public school teacher in San Francisco - John C. Felton. He later was the first city and county superintendent of schools."
Subject Schools -- Secondary -- Pelton Jr. High.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Photographs.
Series San Francisco Historical Photograph Collection
Source San Francisco News-Call Bulletin.