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Photo Id# AAB-6522
Title [Ron Bredhoft, Myron Tatarian, William M. Reedy, Patrick J. Canavan, Sidney A. Haag and Jack Barron on Market Street at 7th] [graphic].
Date 1972 Apr. 18.
Description 1 photographic print: b&w.
Location Folder: S.F. Streets-Market-1972.
Reproduction Rights Permission to use this image must be obtained from the San Francisco History Center, San Francisco Public Library: www.sfpl.org/permissions.
Notes Written on back: "Pictured left to right are: Ron Bredhoft, Project Manager for General Contractors' McGuire & Hester; San Francisco's Public Works Director, Myron Tatarian with a 'first birck' [sic] souvenior [sic] plaque dedicating the day's cermonites [sic]; William M. Reedy, San Francisco member of the Board of Directors of B.A.R.T; Patrick J. Canavan, Secretary-Treasurer, Local No. 7, Bricklayers Union; Sidney A. Haag, President, Market Street Development Project; and, Jack Barron, Project manager, City's Transit Task Force."
Subject San Francisco (Calif.) -- Photographs.
Streets -- Market.
Series San Francisco Historical Photograph Collection