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Photo Id# AAC-1655
Title [Temple Lutheran Church Group, 1918] [graphic].
Date 1918.
Description 1 photographic print: b&w.
Location Folder: S.F. Districts-Visitacion Valley-People.
Reproduction Rights Permission to use this image must be obtained from the San Francisco History Center, San Francisco Public Library: www.sfpl.org/permissions.
Notes Note attached to photo: "TEMPLE LUTHERAN CHURCH GROUP 1918. L. to R. Back row - Visiting Pastor Meyer and wife, Pastor___; 2nd Row - Elsie Clausen, Elsie Mardorf, Etta Shuler, Winifred Kirk and Marie Meyer; 1st Row - Alice Binz, Gertrude Garnjost, Ruth Hofstetter and Pastors wife ___, ___, Margaret Garnjost."
Subject San Francisco (Calif.) -- Photographs.
Visitacion Valley (San Francisco, Calif.)
Series San Francisco Historical Photograph Collection