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Photo Id# AAK-0600
Title [Artists John Townsley and Irene Palladine showing regional director Joseph Danysh the construction progress on the model of the rebuilt San Francisco airport] [graphic]
Date 1936 Jan. 3.
Description 1 photographic print : b&w. ; 8 x 10 in.
Location Folder: S.F. Depression-W.P.A.
Reproduction Rights Permission to use this image must be obtained from the San Francisco History Center, San Francisco Public Library: www.sfpl.org/permissions.
Notes Written on back: "Under Public Utilities Commission sponsorship the federal art project is making an 8' x 12' model of the rebuilt San Francisco airport which will be the new home of the Pan-American clippers. Left to right: artists John Townsley, supervisor of the project, and Irene Palladine show regional director Joseph Danysh progress being made in construction. The model will be exhibited to public upon completion."
Subject San Francisco (Calif.) -- Photographs.
Depressions -- 1929 -- California -- San Francisco.
United States. Work Projects Administration.
Series San Francisco Historical Photograph Collection